11 units

Units from the Tyrhelm Faction in the Lost Ragnarok story
Japanese Name
ティルヘルム (妖精の国)
Japanese Description
Almace 6★ 5103823 IN Tyrhelm コール Almace 6★ 5103813 IN Tyrhelm コール Morabeaga 6★ 41042001 LR Tyrhelm Fatom Tyrhung 6★ 3101423 LR Tyrhelm 1st Almace 6★ 3103823 LR Tyrhelm Easter Morabeaga 6★ 3104223 LR Tyrhelm Easter Morabeaga 6★ 2104213 PoL Tyrhelm SS Morabeaga 6★ 3104213 LR Tyrhelm Almace 6★ 2103813 PoL Tyrhelm SS Almace 6★ 41038001 LR Tyrhelm Fatom Almace 6★ 3103813 LR Tyrhelm